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  1. Mr. Fabulous

    Dr Stanley's research - do you agree ??

    Well you got a pretty good head start on just about everyone else, didn't you. Mark
  2. Mr. Fabulous

    Dr Stanley's research - do you agree ??

    I made up my mind that getting married and having kids was not an option for me personally when I was about 12. It's just not something that I've ever wanted and never will. This decision was made looooooong before I even thought about financial independence. Mark
  3. Mr. Fabulous

    Dr Stanley's research - do you agree ??

    Well, you know what they say about stats... If people wanna get married and have kids, then I say - the best of luck to you, I hope you're happy! But getting married and having children is certainly not going to improve (or make it less likely, for that matter) your chances of achieving wealth...
  4. Mr. Fabulous

    Dr Stanley's research - do you agree ??

    Not necessarily. Take me for example. If I was to get married and/or have kids, it would set back my wealth building by several years. A lot of people aren't gonna like hearing this, but marriage and kids are a wallet vacuum. Mark
  5. Mr. Fabulous

    Dr Stanley's research - do you agree ??

    Pretty good summation I guess, but some of those stats are useless. For example: 4. One quarter of the group have never spent more than b) 340K on a home 1. We are well educated. Fully 90% of us are college graduates. More than one half (52%) of us hold advanced degrees. The first one is...