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  1. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    Yes I know, I was being facetious. I also know why Murdoch wants to split the print media assets off from the rest of Fox. Essentially he doesn't want the rotting corpse of print to continue stinking up his money making rainbow of excellence.
  2. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    By 'unprofitable divisions', do you mean the newspapers? It's all just speculation, but it seems to me that really the only reason for her to want control is to make editorial decisions so she can use the brand as her personal megaphone. I seriously doubt that she has the best interests of...
  3. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    She was groomed by her father her entire life in the mining sector. She has done extraordinarily well and I tips me lid to her accomplishments with Hancock Prospecting. However, she knows exactly zero about running a media outlet. In my view, it is highly doubtful she can turn Fairfax around...
  4. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    Ahem... vinyl and cassette tapes are very much alive. Print media, on the other hand, is a geriatric on life support. No matter which way the editors of papers lean politically, it's happening all over the world.
  5. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    Print media is a service industry, as such those that 'run the show' are the people that buy newspapers. Murdoch understands this perfectly. The consumer will ultimately have the final say as to the future of Fairfax.
  6. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    Maybe so! Only time will tell. Do you think they'll serve Hungry Jacks in the cafeteria for the ten employees left after the purge?
  7. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    Not a valid comparison in this case. Fairfax has been printing various newspapers for decades. It's not like Gina owned Fairfax shares, then all the journo's decided to 'revolt' against her wishes. She's buying with the (seeming) intention to change things such that the papers become a...
  8. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    Dazz, I want to make it clear that I agree with your assertion in the original post about it being unreasonable for employees to expect they can run a business with no input from the owners. That's just stupid. However, I don't think it's as simple as you make it out to be. There seems to be a...
  9. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    Nah mate, I meant people don't rely on papers anymore. The news can be accessed for free on the internet, from any source, not just Fairfax or News Ltd. Print media is a dying breed and I don't know how they're going to convince enough people to pay for online services to remain viable.
  10. Mr. Fabulous

    Fairfax - no boss zone

    People still read newspapers? Hey Dazz, you forgot about one thing, mate: the internet. It's (kinda) free, everyone has their say, from the oppressively politically correct of the Left to the 'war is great, kill the poor' nut jobs of the Right. It's not as if anyone is forced to rely on...