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  1. Nathan


    Packed to the Rafters fans! Thought id put up a little bit of fun I had out at orange last weekend with video camera as I inspected a burnt out property going to auction. Enjoy! :)
  2. Nathan


    Hi NBS With the property it was superficial. i.e. cosmetic. The fire never hot structual beams, it only damaged a couple for trusses which were only chard. These were replaced, and sealed all remains of smoke with a sealer. Kempsey is a whole new bag of worms, being not structual however...
  3. Nathan


    Latest video of my journies here
  4. Nathan

  5. Nathan

    Youtube My latest video or prety investing. Just a breif.... These properties are high risk ones as they are vandalised and in rough parts of town hence the reflection of price.
  6. Nathan


    Thanks for the feedback Sizzler.
  7. Nathan


    Thought id share a video with you guys of my current observations of the market. The website is currently undergoing a full rebuild so please excuse the front end is missing but just as novel video to watch. Nath.
  8. Nathan


    Just uploaded a new video of a recent buy of mine for those whom are interested. Link: Also the website with downloads etc, is down at present and reverts to my own bio site, the revamped one will be up shortly, its going under some serious...
  9. Nathan


    Thanks guys! Yep Always ticking in my head.... As for regional investing some people get me wrong and this this is my specialty but many of us here should remember the early days where i had all metro properties. Just buying the regionals cheap and with good cashflow. I have started...
  10. Nathan


    Thanks OO :) Really appreciate the feedback, I am trying to leverage my time to help others be innovative with free educational tutorials. I shall make more along the way,next wednesday I will post my new $8500 deal up :)
  11. Nathan


    Thanks Bigtone
  12. Nathan


    Thanks Petal. That was a few years ago, now days my mother which is almost 70, has come around and she only says each deal when I see her that " I hope you know what your doing" and I feel she is now aboard the belief train after seeing results. People do do it out there so with my advice...
  13. Nathan


    Thanks for the feedback Jamie. Heaps of time goes into making them actually just editing them I am not fancy with the editing just cold hard facts, so appolgies for them not being flashy or anything. :)
  14. Nathan


    Oh final note, This property is one I will be holding for the long term and not selling. It is currently cashflow positive by $80pw, inluding all reno costs land tax rates etc.
  15. Nathan


    I got an old truck aswell I take out sometimes :) Spiderman, Thanks for the questions. There is a strong demand there, as for who will buy, prices etc... these things are getting snapped up like coke cans at the eastershow at present, if it was in a not so rough part of town then it...
  16. Nathan


    Thanks guys, Nah I didnt get out a) lazy b) I had a run in with 3 locals which destroyed that house across road, and came into mine and tried to roll me (they were 6 yeasr ol but 3 and had HIV). I dont self manage, all go through agents. All my pms, earn their keep.
  17. Nathan


    I recently had a youtube channel setup up and have been posting a few breif videos of my OWN personal investment journies around the place of late. WIll updat with metro properties shortly as they become vacant il get in a few of them too. Take...