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  1. N

    Where to for Tony ?

    I think you are over generalising. Most small retail businesss are struggling to make ends meet. They arent out to rip off their customers.
  2. N

    Where to for Tony ?

    Consumers are thinking the same way. Consumers are increasingly turning to online shopping rather than support local suppliers.
  3. N

    Where to for Tony ?

    No, not saying that at all. What I am saying, is that once you are in that position, you are more likely to support the hand that feeds you.
  4. N

    Where to for Tony ?

    Not so silly. The Labor party is known to be more orientated towards welfare and social programs. Makes sense that recipients of their generosity (so to speak) would vote for them.
  5. N

    Where to for Tony ?

    I've seen quite a few changes in Govt and Ministers. In all cases, the advisors have changed with the Minister. The Departmental Liaison officers, who are public servants, often stay. These are liaison officers - they arent providing advice on policy.
  6. N

    Where to for Tony ?

    Tony's just announced a re-shuffle. Not all the details are out yet, but David Johnston is out as predicted. Looks like Scott Morrison is no longer immigration - he's moved to Social Services. Susan Ley is Health, Kevin Andrews Defence.