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  1. O

    The Art of Gen X/Y

    Well totally ignoring the reality that educating a single woman is extraordinarily unlikely to "educate a nation" and the fact that educating a single man is extraordinarily unlikely to result in that education being passed on to absolutely no one else ever, then yes it might be an accurate...
  2. O

    The Art of Gen X/Y

    So in short..........educate the primary care giver and it is much more likely that education will be passed onto the children. That has nothing whatever to do with educating women specifically. Furthermore, nothing in the research indicates that no man has ever shared or will ever share...
  3. O

    The Art of Gen X/Y

    Sorry, none of the links provide evidence of your assertion that educating a man educates only a single person whilst educating a woman educates and entire nation.
  4. O

    The Art of Gen X/Y

    Nice pithy line about educating the nation but can you link to the study that backs it up?
  5. O

    The Art of Gen X/Y

    There was interesting article in API a few months back regarding wills. The lawyer writer stated that the only sure fire way to ensure your belongings go where you want them to after death is to give everything away a minimum of 5 or 7(can't remember which) years prior to when you think it is...