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  1. Ocean Architect


    This thread needs less hate and more funny imo Anyway I love chatting to pensioners, especially when you start getting dirty stories out of them. 70 year old grannies talking about sex with that old lady toothless cackle coughing up dust is bloody hilarious :D
  2. Ocean Architect


    ...and I'm in the will ;)
  3. Ocean Architect


    I'm the only one on here with my own teeth dude :D The rest of this mob chew weetbix with their gums
  4. Ocean Architect


    I don't think it's about following the herd, it's just that they're old and part of their routine. When I worked in pharmacy (the good ol days...yeah right :rolleyes:) my first day was a wednesday or something, and life was chipping away nicely...until my first thursday, which was pension day...