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  1. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Yay Simon's back. I missed your posts too. I was going to enquire but noticed your various contacts weren't viable then thought I'd be intruding. Hope everything is AOK.
  2. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Slightly off topic, but free should mean receiving something without having to do anything in return for it - a gift in other words. It's not free if you have to buy 1 first. Maybe they should say, "Buy one and get the second at no cost or charge to you" Or "you can use this free...
  3. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Could of, should of, would of............ Grr! Once again it comes down to writing it how we speak it which is why it's important to correct pronunciation in kids as they grow up and are learning spelling/grammar. They can talk how they want to when they're older but get the basics down...
  4. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    So, for those of us who are picky about poor spelling and grammar - why does it bother us? It doesn't usually bother us if someone doesn't know where a particular mountain range is or the name of major river of a country, (geography), or what king reigned where and when in a certain place...
  5. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    I've noticed the word 'quite' is used for both quite and quiet by some people and I don't think it's a typo. I think a lot comes back to enunciation and pronunciation. If that's not used and corrected as we learn to speak then come primary school time and phonetics, kids are trying to spell...
  6. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Um, no - primary actually :p I can see where that would be so. The more involvement by the parents or regular helper the better. It's not just the schools or teachers job to educate. I get annoyed at some of the things taught currently in primary school. My main pet hate being how times...
  7. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    No offense intended so hope none was taken. I can only go by my 6 & 10 year old grandsons that I tutor, plus some other primary kids I know from other schools whom I've asked questions of. (I have asked around to check what goes on in different schools). The 10 year old vaguely remembers a...
  8. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    I've also noticed a lot of people don't use 'ed' to show past tense. You don't notice it so much in their speaking, it's when they write something it becomes obvious. Even after 40+ years iof being in Australia another Aussieism still bothers me - the word yous. The plural of you is you - if...
  9. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Um, "He would sound way to posh" should be "He would sound way too posh" meaning more than usual/normal/accepted. :p
  10. Olly

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Let's get pacific! I don't like it when they say aks instead of ask. Don't you agree but. :p (I think putting but on the end of a sentence is more of an Aussie thing though - I don't hear it used by non-Aussies). I'm quite pedantic about spelling and grammar too, but realise that the...