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  1. Paul@PFI

    GST on purchase of new townhouse

    There is a good example - "Barely livable"....It may not actually be residential premises. Uninhabitable resi property may be taxable (GST). A recent case concerned its self on appeal with an occupation certificate. So lets say thats the case the seller may have a GST liability of 1/11th the...
  2. Paul@PFI

    GST on purchase of new townhouse

    The buyer has no need to review, check or even consider the sellers GST position in any contract. eg : taxable supply, registration , margin scheme, new or old construction etc. However a prudent buyer should always ensure any contract has a clause which ends any claim for GST or any other...
  3. Paul@PFI

    GST on purchase of new townhouse

    Australian Consumer law doesnt tolerate (misleading & deceptive) resi real estate prices to be offered or contracted as GST exclusive however there is potential for the vendor to argue the point if for example he suddenly realises he is up for GST. Consumer law requires all sales to consumers to...