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  1. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Amen! Parents who don't take the time to correct this - and many other pet peeves, such as "yous" - in their children should be found guilty of a form of child abuse: I propose the new offence "linguistic neglect". ;) I just realised this assumes that the parent knows better, which they may...
  2. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Nah, it's OK. Westpac are taking an action, admittedly, but the action is causing an effect, so effected is correct in this instance. Westpac affected their customers, but effected an interest rate rise. ;) There are a few good articles on this one, eg...
  3. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Effect is the rEsult... eg the effect of rising interest rates Affect is an Action... eg his behaviour affected her
  4. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    My sons' teacher agrees with you. I told her that we were practising times tables at home, and she reinforced to me the importance of doing it 1 x 8, 2 x 8, 3 x 8, etc, just like you say. :)
  5. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    I know this is in the Australian Government Style Guide, but I don't think that makes it incorrect to write numbers under ten as 5; it just means that if you're writing something that's supposed to conform with the Style Guide you should write "five". I don't think Jan and Ian specified that...
  6. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    You beat me to it, GP. This is a handy little tip that I heard from a journo many years ago, and it's really simple - why wasn't I taught that in school?
  7. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    I get asked by strangers in shops "why do your kids have a British accent?", and by other parents at school etc (who know we're not British and haven't spent time in Britain) "how do you get your boys to speak so well?" I think they speak very clearly because I'm terrible at understanding...
  8. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Prideful is a word. :confused:
  9. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    My father-in-law says that, too. Being a pedant, he got out a dictionary and proved to me that it's an acceptable alternative pronunciation. :) eg from et  [et] Show IPA –verb Chiefly North Atlantic, South Midland, and Southern U.S. Nonstandard. a pt. of eat. I still...
  10. Perp

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Oh yes, baby, you're singing my song! CD's, TV's, iPod's, mobile phone's, apple's, and even avocadoe's! As my Mum once said, "why do so many people with poor language skills decide that the ideal job for them is to be a SIGNWRITER?" :D