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  1. Perp

    Sale falls through, who recives the .25% deposit?

    I see, this one. :) mr-ed, better go check your PAMD 22a! And thanks, Joel, for pointing out another thing to add to my list of amendments to "standard" agreements. ;)
  2. Perp

    Sale falls through, who recives the .25% deposit?

    I can't see this anywhere on the PAMD 22a. :confused: I can see that an agent could possibly insert something in there to the effect that they're entitled to a portion of the termination fee, but it doesn't appear to be part of the standard form (unless this Jul 09 version has been updated?)...
  3. Perp

    Sale falls through, who recives the .25% deposit?

    mr-ed, the termination penalty is yours. The agent only becomes entitled to commission once the contract becomes unconditional, which never happened. :) Good luck with your next sale!