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  1. Perp

    High Council Rates in QLD?

    I agree; I'm actually a small government fan myself. But compared to the billions spent on sports stadiums, the Australian Institute of Sport, art galleries, museums, ballet, opera, arts grants, and many other things which the government sponsors, the relatively few bucks involved in putting on...
  2. Perp

    High Council Rates in QLD?

    Touch a nerve, much? :D
  3. Perp

    High Council Rates in QLD?

    Welcome to the forum, Mayor! ;)
  4. Perp

    High Council Rates in QLD?

    And stamp duty's lower, petrol is cheaper (OK, doesn't help IP owners) and we get more sunshine. :p Seriously, our Council rates are high, but it's more than compensated for by the other positives of QLD living. (And I'll never be local, having been born in Victoria, but I've still adopted...