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  1. Perp

    Plumber damages toilet

    You didn't. I (mis)interpreted it that way, for which I've already apologised. I think people only raised the tax angle in response to you saying that you were contacting the ATO. I think we're perplexed what on Earth this would have to do with the ATO, if you weren't threatening to dob the...
  2. Perp

    Plumber damages toilet

    OK, I read it as "I will once it's tenanted"; my mistake, apologies. But I'm still curious why you'd report him to the ATO, though. That leads me to think that you think he did the job for cash, at a lower price, based on him not declaring the income. If so, then by not insisting upon a tax...
  3. Perp

    Plumber damages toilet

    That's fine, but it's not a deductible expense.
  4. Perp

    Plumber damages toilet

    Um, why would you be paying a tradie in beer rather than cash, unless it were to avoid tax? By law, they're supposed to declare the value of the beer as income, and remit GST, and pay super, etc. on it, so doesn't giving $50 of beer rather than $50 cash just overly complicate things? Of...
  5. Perp

    Plumber damages toilet

    Um, by your own evidence, you have no receipt but plan to claim the expense. That's illegal.