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  1. Peter 14.7

    Thoughts on Regional Vic

    Provided it is right people. Grow does not make it good. I grew up in Shepparton and it is a dive now. Very low rent. We had and IP there , inherited and we sold, no CG grow and problem tenants. If high income family are moving there then prices will rise for low income renters etc to...
  2. Peter 14.7

    Thoughts on Regional Vic

    Spot on. I dont think anything in VIC is great at the moment and personally don't recommend here but many investors like to buy local, for good and bad reasons. I find in doing Deprecation Schedules essentially all over VIC Country this is pretty common. Often do 2 villa in one block to...
  3. Peter 14.7

    Thoughts on Regional Vic

    Yeah, I do a few schedules in Bendigo. Both are nice places. Ballarat closer to MEL but a lot colder. Bendigo a bit further out. Economy and pricing they seem the same. Bendigo is nicer city heart and very active Art Gallery and champions WNBA Team. Peter
  4. Peter 14.7

    Thoughts on Regional Vic

    I contract to who is active here as well, Depreciator and did a depreciation schedule for an investor in Alfredton. Meet the owner on site. Essentially a new suburb to Ballarat. Rents are strong according to the owner. About $ for $ that is $300k gets $300 a week...
  5. Peter 14.7

    Thoughts on Regional Vic

    FYI The regional rail ink will help Bendigo and Ballarat Lines. In the last few years commuter patronage has gone up ++++% due to the tree changers. And the new carriages will have built in WI...
  6. Peter 14.7

    Thoughts on Regional Vic

    Giday I grew up in regional VIC in Shepparton. We have investments in outer Melbourne and live in Regional VIC so.... I would be doing serious crunching of the Capital Growth potential of anything not commutable to Melbourne. And I would be very cautious on claims for CG in Regionals...