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  1. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    So true, so predictable. To me, Politics is fascinating because. noting is certain. In the world of scripted spin and market control, the people can still throw up a few flippers like Pauline Hanson, Maxine Mc Kew, Adam Bandt, Phil Cleary. So far it will be long and agonising campaign...
  2. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    1 vote still makes a statement. Regard Peter
  3. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    LOL that is very witty Peter
  4. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Other Political Threads on SS have had posters pro ALP but their usual reason is Abbott is the Devil, or there a bouts. In the end , that is not enough. Personally, unless Abbott is the Devil, i.e something totally unpalatable like Pedophile ( and I am not for once saying he is!) or protective...
  5. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Off topic but I still wonder if Average Australia would ever accept a homosexual PM. Male or Female. Tolerating is one this, accepting as our leader? A symbolic position.? but we did have Bob Brown. PS I am super gay OK but I know many are still not. Peter
  6. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    I apply the simply logic of: they have got nothing to loss making this change. They are gunna lose. Rudd has the debate skills to trouble Abbott. Gillard has no creditability on any thing she says with swinging voters after Carbon Tax. Peter
  7. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Abbott ahead of Gillard WOW here is sign he ALP is in trouble when polls show Abbott as preferred PM. I still say Rudd is waiting and will take the PM ship if only to revenge...
  8. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Same here. Good point. Peter
  9. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Is Rudd on a comeback?... hell yes. Rudd is very savvy. He will not challenge but if they beg him he will "step up for the party". Excellent face saving strategy. Gillard has month to get it together or game over IMO. Peter
  10. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Exactly. Having worked in Gov I can say to those who have not, it is 49% dilbert, 50% yes minister, 1% action. I actually did the "trust" seminar where we all stand in circle and fall backwards into another two person's arms, to learn to trust our team. We had to learn trust because the...
  11. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    I agree, it is mind boggling. Is the GOv that lacking in skills. When you read this about the NBN it reinforces, yes, they are. It appears the NBN is total failure in the West. An excerpt is this: At Tuesday night's Senate estimates hearing Senator Birmingham asked Mr Quigley, if...
  12. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Got to comment... Another blow to ALP with Mining Tax officially a failure due to error. Seems they forget to consider Royalty could rise. ALP calls it a loophole. I call it the outcome of a rushed solution pushed by Gillard after she knifed Rudd for holding out. You really cannot...
  13. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Maybe, I watched an interview I would love an interviewer to ask her. So Ms Charters, if you lose the election, will you give a 100% commitment to stay in the electorate? Personally feel so sorry for the local ALP guy which has been loyal foot solder for many years and admitted in media, he...
  14. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Dear All Been busy sorry. Good to see a reasoned debate on why good person as opposed to party politic persons don't stand. I guess, that is the masses fault. Like the V8 Holden versus Ford we in Aus seems to decide it is only Lib or Labor. Independents rarely get a look in unless they...
  15. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Yes, it happened with ALP in NSW and the LNP in 2007. Must be heartbreaking for those politicians who care and wanted to make a real impact. The ALP had everything set up in 2007 to be in 3 terms of real unfluence at least. Instead. 1/2 term of action, the execution, the impotent 2nd term...
  16. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    I think No 2. Hiding. This is based on NSW and QLD that the polls said hiding, then they said no then yes then maybe but in the end back to start point and Hiding. As I see it: Abbott will win unless he does something to lose it Gillard will lose unless Abbot does something to lose it...
  17. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    A bump for the original question. Peter 14.7
  18. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Hard call both ways. I personally think partners should be off limits. Either way feel sorry for Tim. Peter
  19. Peter 14.7

    Election 2013: 14th Sept - the official thread

    Yes, personally I feel there are double standards. When the PM Partners makes a joke that: “We can get a blood test for it (prostrate cancer) but the digital examination is the only true way to get a correct reading on your prostate so make sure you go and do that, and perhaps look for a...