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  1. Peter 14.7

    The 'so how many properties do you have?' question and how to deal with it politely

    LOL. Nailed her down to an issue. Mind you..... a doctor as a wife earning $$$$$, owing outright her PPOR and wanting to invest and leaving it up to you....that would be someone's fantasy out there for sure.:D Me, I have the "so WHY do we need another IP" and "I am retired I don't want to...
  2. Peter 14.7

    The 'so how many properties do you have?' question and how to deal with it politely

    I am advising a good friend at the moment. She is ok but so niave and she is a doctor?!?! The scammers are saying "SMSF" and "look at the tax savings" and I say, IGNORE THAT... get CF+! I raise this as it is stuns me but hey, that is why us here can make $$$.:rolleyes: Anyhow, I...
  3. Peter 14.7

    The 'so how many properties do you have?' question and how to deal with it politely

    For split second you had me :D as I know many people with 25 and a few with 100. In fact, they are like cars/toys when you consider this: the old FJ out the back still waiting to be restored (the older unsound horse you took on to improve and sell but never have the time) your first car...
  4. Peter 14.7

    The 'so how many properties do you have?' question and how to deal with it politely

    Dont judge book by covers. Some of old ladies are very savvy. A not for profit group I work with recently got contacted by a solicitors who said said "my client, and elderly window, wishes to make anon donation please need bank details!!! Alarm but we checked it out and to was legit, bingo...
  5. Peter 14.7

    The 'so how many properties do you have?' question and how to deal with it politely

    Back on topic: I rarely get asked. I use to but after my "tree change country move" our life is very different and as are the people we know. Many are middle income and into enjoying their efforts earlier in life. We are much more likely to be asked: Q. How many acres do you have...