Search results

  1. Peter_Tersteeg

    Any Lo-Doc lenders that will lend to 80% LVR with one year old ABN?

    Other reasons would be: * Overexposure to the bank - where you've got more than they're currently comfortable with. * Overexposure to the insurer - mortgage insurers have an upper limit on how much they'll cover for a single property and how much they'll cover for a portfolio. * If your...
  2. Peter_Tersteeg

    Any Lo-Doc lenders that will lend to 80% LVR with one year old ABN?

    Whilst Colonial and CBA are two different entities, they are the same busines, the same funds and the same products (just different names). the two are merging into one later this year - which is good for everyone. Of these (inclusive) parameters regarding Colonial/CBA I have no doubt at...
  3. Peter_Tersteeg

    Any Lo-Doc lenders that will lend to 80% LVR with one year old ABN?

    The CBA should be fine with your ABN. Are the previous loans with the CBA full doc? You can't show evidence of income one day, then expect them to accept a higher lo doc income later.