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  1. Piston Broke

    Buyers' agents in Sydney, Are they really worth it ?

    Bernard Madoff was too!! That someone with a piece of paper that anyone can virtually get by just paying the fees is better, preferrable or has more expertise than someone who hasn't is nonsense. They may be "allowed" to practice, but it don't mean they have any clue or that they are ethical or...
  2. Piston Broke

    Buyers' agents in Sydney, Are they really worth it ?

    Never tell them what your thinking. This don't mean it's going to be cheaper, often the opposite. This is just bad negotiation skills, though at least your good enough to realise it aint working for ya.
  3. Piston Broke

    Buyers' agents in Sydney, Are they really worth it ?

    How do you know about dodgy BAs? What makes a BA dodgy? And how would you know a good one from a bad one? You believe everything you read and are not able to make your own decisions? Or are you looking for someone to pass the decision responsibility? The end decision is yours to make, not...