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  1. Piston Broke

    Check out this beauty

    Absolutely agree. Though not 100% sure if they own it, or are making it a condition of a new lease. Either way the result is the same. The Quantas HQ is being marketed as the "star" of the portfolio, not the performer of it. Which means much glory, but no money. Years ago I tagged along a few...
  2. Piston Broke

    Check out this beauty

    According to the press releases it seems Quantas are wanting a "major refurbishment to the complex" as part of their new 10 yr lease. I don't think there's gonna be good value here.
  3. Piston Broke

    Check out this beauty

    Having a public corp as tenant can be a plus. Anything they do wrong is market news. I just get weary of builders/occupier/vendors as they generally write their own lease conditions. WW the HQ is the last place to go, if anything it gets upgraded not downsized regardless of market conditions...