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  1. Rixter

    Is Sydney too Expensive?

    Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire. - Napoleon Hill - 1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich
  2. Rixter

    Is Sydney too Expensive?

    Feel free to msg me.
  3. Rixter

    Is Sydney too Expensive?

    I strongly suggest you work all those things out first before setting out because ultimately that's what determines where you are wanting to end up (your destination) on your investment journey. Your investment strategy determines where, what & asset base size you need to accumulate along your...
  4. Rixter

    Is Sydney too Expensive?

    Excellent .. Have you sat down to work out the specifics such as What size asset base & annual income you need it to be generating so you can retire in 18 years? How do you plan to generate it?
  5. Rixter

    Is Sydney too Expensive?

    I think you mean its a Sellers market if there is strong buyer demand. In relation to your question, it depends on your chosen property investment strategy whether to hold off or purchase. What is your chosen strategy? What are you ultimately wanting to achieve and in what time frame.