Search results

  1. Rixter

    Belmont vs Carlisle vs Rivervale vs Vic Park

    Define in your mind your chosen purchasing criteria, budget and minimum rental yield requirement. Set up your alerts in your preferred search engines so anything new to the market online comes to you instead of trawling the net. Get out and about in the area and check it out at ground...
  2. Rixter

    Belmont vs Carlisle vs Rivervale vs Vic Park

    The same things that make all the other satellite CBD's around the metro area satellite cbd's, like - East Perth, Subiaco, Joondalup, Midland..etc ie. Govt injecting money into infrastructure projects such as Arterial Roads, Public Transport hubs, Govt Depts etc with Major Shopping...
  3. Rixter

    Belmont vs Carlisle vs Rivervale vs Vic Park

    Have you looked a couple suburbs down Albany Highway from Vic or adjacent to the satellite cbd of Cannington?..lower entry level with same CG prospects and higher increased yields.