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  1. Rixter

    Trusts to protect real estate in case of divorce

    What's going on in that statement? :confused:
  2. Rixter

    Trusts to protect real estate in case of divorce

    That sound like us. Wife & I are 50/50 partnership - I make it & she spends it!
  3. Rixter

    Trusts to protect real estate in case of divorce

    Yeah, what about your spouse tho? ;)
  4. Rixter

    Trusts to protect real estate in case of divorce

    Even if you sell off your IPs to pay down PPOR a relation ship breakdown (inc marriage & defacto) can still hit you for half. In fact you will be worse of because you sold the 3 IP's and will be hit with selling costs & CGT as well. Moral of the story, stay single or keep them - its cheaper :)
  5. Rixter

    Trusts to protect real estate in case of divorce

    My understanding is that the Family Court has the powers to get into Trusts. Maybe you need to hitch up with a partner who has more than you ;) Seriously tho, maybe have a look into pre-nupts. Some say they arent worth the paper theyre written on but its better than nothing at all IF you...