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  1. Rockstar

    Limiting Beliefs about the property journey

    Same for me, OO. I "woke up" one day and realised it was "time" to put my foot on the wealth accelerator. The strong desire came first - then the belief - then the positive action. The vehicle was property, the fuel was bank loans, the destination was financial freedom. I've had to make a few...
  2. Rockstar

    Limiting Beliefs about the property journey

    Completely agree and hope you reach your insights and goals for both mundane and spiritual growth asahp. :) Best wishes, RS :)
  3. Rockstar

    Limiting Beliefs about the property journey

    Hi MS Ali, just wondering how you are managing this? A few comments to consider. Please don't think I'm criticising as I fully respect your honesty and openness. :D From my perspective it seems you may have a fairly common condition. That is, being attached/addicted to achievement? You...