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  1. R

    Can we afford another IP? - Advice Please

    Hiya Plant Debt recycling is a strategy that allows you to change your non deductible debt to deductible debt more quickly than the traiditional means. Couple of ways to accelerate things ( please seek specific advic for you !) capitalising investment interest, investing in managed funds...
  2. R

    Can we afford another IP? - Advice Please

    That would depend on the source of the 44 k if the 44 k is tax paid savings u are good to go. if its borrowings from equity from the IP then no, u cant move it and get a dedn. ta rolf
  3. R

    Can we afford another IP? - Advice Please

    Hiya Servicing Wise its probably possible, but the doubts may be with you not being sure of your own capacity. On that basis and from what you have said, a 3 mth break may be a good plan ?? As an aside you may be able to get that non deductible debt down more quickly by doing a debt...