Search results

  1. RumpledElf

    The myth of making $zillions by reno

    We're in what I'd consider a 'very small' house, but it is quite standard for the area (literally cookie-cutter versions of the same house all over the place). Its about 100sqm, with maybe another 20-30sqm of verandahs. 3 bedrooms at around 3x4 each, lounge 5x4, kitchen 5x5, bath/laundry also...
  2. RumpledElf

    The myth of making $zillions by reno

    That's what it is like here - renovator's delights are cheap but they just Do Not Sell, and when they eventually do they sell for a lot under the asking price. Nice houses you can move right into, even if they are 'nice' by 1980s standards (or even just a neat, clean, 1960s decor special), get...
  3. RumpledElf

    The myth of making $zillions by reno

    Such as? Says me who has quite the shortlist of places that would make a quick buck with either renovating or subdividing, on the offchance we get into a position to buy again ...