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  1. RumpledElf

    What's the catalyst to provide the next big jump in family discretionary income?

    TC, you're probably completely right on the mark there :) And *that* head doc had another trainee today. Young, white Aussie fella. She's a very fussy woman. We got the big speech on her pride of choosing doctors when we dared suggest going to the big smoke to have the baby. Its kind of a...
  2. RumpledElf

    What's the catalyst to provide the next big jump in family discretionary income?

    Doesn't explain why everyone *except* the two docs are white though, that just explains the outliers. And those two have been here for years.
  3. RumpledElf

    What's the catalyst to provide the next big jump in family discretionary income?

    Move to the country. Its all white as far as the eye can see, except the one Asian doc and one Indian doc, who were both selected by the (blonde, blue-eyed) woman who runs the medical center for their perfect accent-free English. I'm sure there's a reason its white-on-white out here but I...
  4. RumpledElf

    What's the catalyst to provide the next big jump in family discretionary income?

    So you don't actually need to send the kids *out* to work, they can work from home! :D *ducks and runs*