Search results

  1. RumpledElf

    Rats !!!

    Before I got our cat I had a bucket of water inside for some reason when I was away and something sticking over the edge of a bench over it and several of them fell in and drowned, so there really is something to this. I didn't even do it deliberately. You have to have the water deeper than...
  2. RumpledElf

    Rats !!!

    Pft, I had a cat a few years back that used to catch rats (and leave half rats in front of the fridge so I trod on them barefoot when reaching for the milk - when I was half asleep before I had my coffee). She was a tiny little runt of a cat, so the rats were almost as big as her :p We don't...
  3. RumpledElf

    Rats !!!

    You need to invest in a better cat. Ours is a prime mouser - we don't have mice at all but *someone* around here does (probably the neighbours with a dozen chooks 2 doors down) and she brings 1 or 2 mice home every freakin day to share the experience of eating with us. We used to have mice...