Search results

  1. RumpledElf

    Looking for a commercial viable "crop" on 4 acres

    Go to the website and browse and pick something! :D
  2. RumpledElf

    Looking for a commercial viable "crop" on 4 acres

    I thought of cherries because there was a house for sale out here last year that was on a similar sized lot and had a small orchard of stone fruits on it, mostly cherries. But we're in very good cherry growing climate here :) Strawberries/raspberries are in the rosae family (like roses...
  3. RumpledElf

    Looking for a commercial viable "crop" on 4 acres

    Must be. I was reading a trashy magazine that had a list of the top 20 sexy vampires of all time the other day. Anyone who isn't a fan of those movies would be covered in garlic. Rasperries is a good idea - they do well in cooler climates and they are tough as old boots. You'd have to be...
  4. RumpledElf

    Looking for a commercial viable "crop" on 4 acres

    Cherries Quandongs (not the best in very fertile soil or high rainfall though) Something you can dry, package and onsell? Apricots or figs Any sort of nuts - again, you can pack them yourself. Walnuts? or any vaguely exotic fruit not usually sold in the area. persimmons?