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  1. RumpledElf

    Am I getting old?

    One day it'll be like, OMG, you were born LAST CENTURY? You're, like, so old! :p
  2. RumpledElf

    Am I getting old?

    Those numbers on the end give away so much, don't they? I just carbon dated someone I know online to within a few years because his WIFE just signed on with a login ending in 77 :D The ones whose names end in 90 ... 91 etc ... they make me feel old. But then my daughter is online at times too...
  3. RumpledElf

    Am I getting old?

    Hey! So do I! The only problem is, like kittens for Christmas, they grow up. He's almost 30 now :rolleyes:
  4. RumpledElf

    Am I getting old?

    My tenants are smokers. I thought they were well into their 60s. Turns out they are in their early 50s ...
  5. RumpledElf

    Am I getting old?

    That does help. I'm about the same age as the mums at playgroup, but most of those have another child who's in kindy as well as the baby and/or toddler at playgroup. Then there's the mums at school ... they're older than me (although it is hard to tell with people who work on the land in the...
  6. RumpledElf

    Am I getting old?

    I had everyone thinking I was 25 for bloody ages ... until The Child started to get really tall. You can pull it off with little ones but not bigger ones. Other half was getting asked for ID until he grew his hair long, then it just ... stopped. He's the one who's going to be about 30 with 3...
  7. RumpledElf

    Am I getting old?

    Hehe yeah, my mother is 5'0" so The Child is dangerously close to Little Grandma's height (she's not called LITTLE Grandma for nothing). Everyone on the Other side of the family - the rare few I've met - are up around the 6 foot mark or over and beanpole thin so I'm sure she's going to dwarf...
  8. RumpledElf

    Am I getting old?

    Count your grey hairs and reconsider that short perm and blue rinse you just had done ;) Its just what people do to you at a certain age. I've just gone through the whole "are you getting married?" followed by "when are you having kids?" and now we have this 3 foot tall mop of blonde curls...