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  1. S

    Granny Flat with view to subdivision later

    I'll do a search on this, thanks. If this turns out to be the case it would be better for me to leave the property as it is until the values increase enough to demolish and build a duplex. Just thinking of creative ways I can increase my cashflow while I am waiting for that (maybe 5 years from...
  2. S

    Granny Flat with view to subdivision later

    688 sqm in Bassendean. Am looking to subdivide later when I am ready to knock down the existing house as I currently want to keep it for rental income. Was told by the council that I can't do a retain and build due to the position of the current house.
  3. S

    Granny Flat with view to subdivision later

    I know this thread is a bit old now, but I was searching for the very same thing and came up with this. Westminster (or anyone else in the know), how do we build a single bedroom dwelling with own title without subdividing? I don't recall seeing this as part of the R Codes, only the granny flat...