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  1. S

    "practice alone constitutes the criterion of truth" (Karl Marx)

    I have tried to go through you prevous posts but cannot get a picture of what you believe will happen. You say property will boom this year. But vacancy rates are increasing and rents are stalling.. IR's are increasing and I do agree that it is hard to see them getting over 5%. However...
  2. S

    "practice alone constitutes the criterion of truth" (Karl Marx)

    To Do, Which way do you think the RE market will go? Blue Card, Looks pretty good to me. Lovely beaches, sunshine, a hope skip and a jump to Asia. Cheers
  3. S

    "practice alone constitutes the criterion of truth" (Karl Marx)

    Love this bit from above linked article. Can everyone just hold on a few more days for the ABS figures to get released. It seems everyone is jumping the gun and even the private property stats people cannot agree. Cheers