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  1. Sim

    Living off equity – a Reality Check

    At 250 replies, it's time to close this thread. If people want to continue the discussion, feel free to start a new thread.
  2. Sim

    Living off equity – a Reality Check

    I've posted a poll based on Steve's post.
  3. Sim

    Living off equity – a Reality Check

    Kenneth makes some very good points ! Summary cliches: it's only money; you only live life once; take time to stop and smell the roses; you don't appreciate what you've got until it's gone; 'tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, etc. :D
  4. Sim

    Living off equity – a Reality Check

    I'm with Dunc here ... if I've managed 10 years out of the workforce, I'd be pretty darn ecstatic. If economic conditions got to the point where I was no longer comfortable relying on my portfolio to keep me, then I wouldn't have a problem finding other sources of income. In the meantime though...
  5. Sim

    Living off equity – a Reality Check

    KeithJ - it sounds like you need to sit down with Steve in person and go through this stuff for your own personal circumstances - he'll be able to show you pretty quickly if you can indeed retire at this point, or at worst tell you what you still need to do to get across the line. He'll also be...
  6. Sim

    Living off equity – a Reality Check

    MJK - you're failing to take into account the potential growth of the assets which could produce a far greater return in the longer term rather than investing unencumbered funds. That's the basis of Steve Navra's "lazy dollars" - make them dollars work hard for you. Look at how businesses...