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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    I totally agree. She and Noel Pearson should be lauded for their insight and inspiration. And yet liberal media and GreenLabor govt ignore them. Why? because they don't see the world through a socialist's spectacles.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Lefties create these issues because they are all about ascribing monetary value to perceived inequality. They then want to use others' money to fix their (mis-)perceptions.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    How can Judge Jughead know "as fact" that those Bolt talked of weren't motivated by financial gain? The judge is a silly old phart. And why is it ok for a prominent Aboriginal like Bess Price to say the same thing as Bolt, and it not be racial discrimination? Or indeed, why is it ok for high...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    And I'd like to see Gillard sacked for having 100% confidence in Craig Thomson. She obviously has profoundly compromised judgement, or she places very little value on what comes out of her mouth, or both.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    hang on. don't Aboriginals get free hand outs because they are viewed by certain left elements to be racially unequal? Then someone who is 1/16th Aboriginal by race should only be entitled to 1/16th the free handouts and easy opportunities as someone 16/16ths Aboriginal. If someone wants to...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Yes, people who take up the Left's given right to risk their lives traveling here in a leaky boat to live amongst us offensive types must be stark raving mad. And how dare we point out the Left has no rights of its own to give, due to a paucity of get off your a$$ entrepreneurial spirit, but...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    yes how dare he incite the 'proles' to question the greater wisdom of self appointed leftie elite social engineers who prefer proles just part with their hard earned unquestioningly - plasma screens, school canteens, insulation, Malaysia 'solution', etc, etc, etc. If only the world would...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    talking of which, keep spitting and polishing.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    It sucks that some think he is 'brave'. He should be able to call it how it is. It is racist to believe Aboriginals are less capable of obeying community laws. It is racist to believe they are less capable of self discipline and pulling themselves up by the bootstraps. There's enough...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Get back to what you do so well, spit and polish.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Easier for ideologues to bleat a 3 second sound bite like SORRY than take a dose of HTFU and address problems that perpetuate intergenerational Aboriginal maladaptation. Meanwhile the grinding growing welfare funded snowball of misery rolls ever onwards for rural Aboriginals, bowling them over...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Chris Kenny nails it in the Australian today Liberal progressives care more about symbolic victories rather than practical solutions re Aboriginal welfare. They celebrate with great joy and gusto Bolt being silenced and the perpetuation of the welfare trap. Meanwhile, nothing has changed for...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Really? Then how proud of her Aboriginal identity is this "blonde"? and who is she to dictate to this "blonde" what's best for rural Aboriginals? Obviously, the greater enemy of traditional Aboriginal culture are those so grossly naive as to delude themselves they best represent...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Precisely, so the govt should stop singling out aboriginals for additional free money. It isn't as if they've had to travel here in a leaky boat to escape murderous rapists.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Hail Julia.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    And 91% white authorities like Larissa tell 100% black authorities like Bess how best to lead an indigenous lifestyle. 100 to 1 this wouldn't be headline news if there was no racial discrimination by govt welfare 'authorities'.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Glad you agree Aboriginals (even 1/8) are immune from breaching the Racial Discrimination Act. Justice Bromberg and you can celebrate over a chardonnay.
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    Larissa Behrendt may claim she was brought up an Aboriginal, but she was quick to put it all behind her at a young age. I think full blood Aboriginal Bess Price sums up Larissa Behrendt best in the story below. And Bess is at least still in there living Aboriginal culture and doing what's...
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    Andrew Bolt ... Free speech goes down.

    I am 1/8 Danish, but I don't think of myself as a Dane. So I obviously think Bolt is correct. If someone is <50% Aboriginal, and was not raised primarily with Aboriginal customs, then one's motive for identifying oneself as 'primarily' Aboriginal is ambiguous, at best.