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  1. S

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Indicative opening: 30c. :(
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Are you guys unaware that they drilled a duster? Same story as MEO.
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    The last thing I want to do is dump on Dazz, merely those who believe what they are told by "the smart guys". Oil is hard to find in Oz. I could find dozens of ASX listed miners who have had good times lately but as I said, oil is hard to find. ps I can't find a link but there is a rumour...
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    There is a thread on HC inferring that they have only done 2D seismic surveys. This may be wrong of course but worth checking. They say "Trust, but verify!" 3D is far more trustworthy than 2D. Disclaimer: I own no shares and and I am simply "An interested bystander".
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Thanks Steve, but there is no sell depth, so it's hypothetical. :)
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    The moderation on HC is abominable. I banned myself a year ago and don't really miss it now.
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    How much is owing on the MMROs, thanks.
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    A mate of mine tells me to get onto BUY. Which would be the better approach, BUY or MMR?
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Things don't always happen that way Dazz. In the early oughties I had a punt on a gold explorer who, I'm sure, was planning this way. But no suitors came a sniffin'. So they kept on working and proved their resource, did the BFS, built the plant, (on time, on budget, working at name plate...
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    The share market is a dangerous place ATM and I sold out. But my broker was trading privately with my (our) funds and he lost his (our) shirt. I knew the shares were pooled but I was "assured" that they were guaranteed by Saxo Bank. Even my cash funds were pooled apparently. :mad::mad: Not...
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    I like to hold these speccies until it becomes clear it's time to get out. Hasn't happened with MMR yet.
  12. S

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Yea. Bought in @ 37c. I've got bugger all of the big stocks and that's the way it's staying.
  13. S

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    An island of green in a sea of red. What's up?
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Looks like a classic case of "Sell the news" today.
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Hi Kristine. Weren't you in the west before spending time in The Old Dart?
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Will get a speeding ticket. :D
  17. S

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Interesting links Ajax, Thanks. I was going to mention a thread on HC where an early investor in RBI said PRU had studied them but then I noticed you had posted an RBI chart on the thread. Perseus should be able to emulate RBI which has a X8 capitalization so you should do well. :D
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Is it just the excitement of getting a rig on site?
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    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    Ajax, I'm a lazy investor and you are entitled to take that literally. Ergo, I cannot give "studied" comment on the degree of dilution likely, off the top of my head. What I do know is that if the management is up to the task, there should not be much (dilution) needed to progress. They...
  20. S

    NSW coast - brace yourself Nellie !!

    You're right. I thought it was new. :o That's all you can do. But there are a few things I like about it.