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  1. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    With great difficulty I would guess. The middle class pay the highest price though. They are the enemy of both the rich and poor so are a popular mark. The poor have nothing anyway and the rich get their capital overseas. But I don't think hyper-inflation is as contagious as...
  2. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Couldn't happen outside the secure areas of the international airports in Oz because of our high crime rate.
  3. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    The details of world economics is beyond me and I read a bit. :) If we limited the thread to "intelligent" debate it would be very short. At best it would be simple: The "Aus property is different" crowd would ask "Where's Greece?" and the "World economy" crowd would say "Greece is...
  4. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    I just looked it up. It has a p/e >14 and a share price a little below where it was 5 yrs ago. Considering they are a brewery and the beer market is already fully developed and they do not do wines very well, you would need rocks in your head to buy it. Why did you ask? Edit: Looks a good short...
  5. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    You really do think I'm thick don't you? Divs are paid out of E! so I only addressed E. Banks and Telstra typically pay out a high percentage of their E because that's all they are: Mature profit making machines than cannot usefully use extra capital. Others keep most of the E in the belief that...
  6. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Post the chart then. I'm happy that eight years is a trend.
  7. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Don't you know how to use charts? It would be STUPID of me to make my claim based on that simple criteria. :eek: I have used 5 years as a basis and very few are above where they were back then. I read in the Weekend Australian that the ASX is on a P/E of 11.4 against a long term P/E of >14...
  8. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    How's this for NYSE:TOT Market Cap (mil) 111,722.9 Shares Outstanding (mil) 2,348.6 EPS 5.42 DPS 3.28 P/E 8.8 Yield 6.5 52-Wks-Range 67.52 - 45.50 That is a French oil co that is not involved in the Gulf oil...
  9. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    I've been looking at a few of those div plays and there aren't many that have paid enough in divs to exceed the loss in value. How's this chart I've pinched from another forum: So if you want Return OF Capital, not Return On Capital some Perth Mint gold still looks good. It's from...
  10. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Thanks Steve. I'll see if any stir my emotions. :D
  11. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    I'm all ears. I've been wanting to buy div plays for some time now but the returns from strong companies are less than property even. I bought Telstra after one of their regular plunges but sold out again because it doesn't look sustainable. The banks give a fair dividend but will suffer in a...
  12. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    I am, and I don't believe it is. You should be able to deliver the shares you sell, your own or borrowed. Reading further though, on the DAX naked short selling is normally approved but payment isn't made till the asset is delivered. That's not as bad as the NYSE where there is criminal...
  13. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    The part about temporally banning what should already be an illegal act.
  14. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    This bit I don't understand: Let's be clear "naked" shorting is selling shares you don't own and have not borrowed from a holder. This should not only be disallowed but criminal. Selling something that isn't yours is illegal in any other part of the law.
  15. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    And I've never said that I don't love you either. :D But I'd love you even more if you gave up on the trading/investing/Buffett bs.
  16. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    Just wondering why you posted something of interest to day-traders only unless it was to hit us over the head with your low opinion of trading and your admiration of Buffett who has never published his techniques anyway.
  17. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    In Gartman's letter he says: "We want out...entirely," Gartman tells clients regarding the gold trade. "We wish we'd have been able to send (the letter) to everyone earlier this morning when exiting the trade was wiser, but we've a time table to stand by and we are few hours late in...
  18. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    OK BC what conclusions can we draw from your Top Gun depiction?
  19. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    An urban myth. It would take hundreds of years for him to have amassed his fortune using the published "Graham" methodology. Graham never became the wealthiest man in the country, did he? He is clearly a great operator and I respect that but I am truly tired of being compared to him and being...
  20. S

    All P.I.G.S. fed and ready to fly

    I like junior miners but they regularly need cash injections to advance their projects. I do my bit and subscribe for the new shares hoping that these guys I've never met will spend it wisely. It's a punt but am I "investing"? BTW I only ask out of curiosity. There is no distinction, and...