Search results

  1. Sunstone

    Albany Creek 3 Bedroom Brick

    Dear Suggo, Good to have that cleared up. On the $132 that is still unclear. Obviously this is utilising the services of an existing agent. Any links? Certainly a great physical extension of the somersoft forum and a great way to meet likeminded people. Even when views are not agreed...
  2. Sunstone

    Albany Creek 3 Bedroom Brick

    Dear Suggo, Debate is always healthy. However facts are important. Could someone infer from this post that you are trying to say I am an agent? Maybe you need to come along to a BIG meeting. ;) Or talk with others who actually know myself. Directly from's own...
  3. Sunstone

    Albany Creek 3 Bedroom Brick

    Dear Dom, Other things can be discussed in PM’s. However some reasons not to sell privately (FSBO) (For sale by owners): -Who is going to save the agents commission? Normally in a FSBO sale both the seller AND buyer wants to save the agents commission. Obviously this cannot happen...
  4. Sunstone

    Albany Creek 3 Bedroom Brick

    Dear Dom, This post is not designed to debate whether or not you should be selling. You have put put this CE so you will be asked on your motives for selling. However in my opinion no savy investor (who wanted top price) would be trying to sell an IP in Brisbane in the current market...
  5. Sunstone

    Albany Creek 3 Bedroom Brick

    Dear Dom, Why sell? Cheers, Sunstone.