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  1. Television

    Do you even?

    Yeah, his pedigree was in KB/Oly lifting stuff from memory? Back in the day, original CF probably fit in pretty nicely with that. You're right now though, he's probably also a very happy business owner. I'd agree that PTC is more for powerlifting.
  2. Television

    Do you even?

    Most won't. CF Syd is different to most. Well run, good space, intelligent head coach.
  3. Television

    Do you even?

    I actually did a trial session at CF Sydney. I've got a lot of respect for Andrew, he's a smart guy. I've been sort of paying attention to CF for about 5-6 years, since when there was about... 6 affiliates in Sydney. Cost was too prohibitive for me at the moment and I didn't really like the...
  4. Television

    Do you even?

    PTC? Animal Kingdom? Adonis? Crossfit Gym?
  5. Television

    Do you even?

    Bodybuilding is mental. Like literally, the mental fortitude of you/those guys is insane. I really should start tracking macros/calories...
  6. Television

    Do you even?

    I dabbled with PL ages ago but got distracted. My best lifts were all pretty abysmal given BW. Never diligent/disciplined/consistent enough. I'm now more intrigued by bodyweight strength stuff. A bit easier on the body and easier to do as well. Did you lift at the MASSIVE PL gym over there...
  7. Television

    Do you even?

    I reckon that's just about it for 90% of the population. Keep moving, work up a sweat, be diligent with your stretching and mobility and you're golden.
  8. Television

    Do you even?

    Righto, Blacky's thread about exercise has brought a few gym people out of the woodwork, so let's have a proper chinwag about all of this. What sort of program are you doing at the moment? What are you short term goals? Long term goals? Where do you train at the moment? Following any...