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  1. Television

    TIFU - My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad

    Anyway, I'm now guilty of diverting the thread which I was trying not to do earlier. Not interested in slinging mud about men or women, we're all imperfect. I'm out.
  2. Television

    TIFU - My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad

    You don't think that a stereotype exists within society that women are more emotional / easier to be made upset? I've heard this referenced numerous times in my life, and again smirk when I hear it due to reasons mentioned above. I too believe in personal responsibility, but also...
  3. Television

    TIFU - My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad

    What was her rant about? I don't think mocking someone's anger highlights that their anger is silly. It's just a diversionary tactic. I love the stereotype of "over-emotional women". Tell that to the hooligans who riot over sports (who are predominantly male). Those damn...
  4. Television

    TIFU - My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad

    Heh, you're kidding right? Largely feminist? We must visit different's The subreddit has 1.6m subscribers (20% less than 2m) There was 174M unique visitors to reddit last month, so that's a pretty small percentage who are subscribed to that sub. Can't dig out a statistic...
  5. Television

    TIFU - My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad

    I'd disagree that it's humanity at its most honest. Statistically, it doesn't reflect an accurate "slice" of society. Its user base is comprised primarily of a few groups.
  6. Television

    TIFU - My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad

    Yes, unsurprisingly I am not generally a fan of the "pick-up artist" and their writings. I find it to be a bit narrow minded at best, and very damaging to people's attitudes towards relationships at worst. I think that people should learn how to communicate more effectively, both men and women...
  7. Television

    TIFU - My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad

    It's the internet, which means it is largely anonymous, which means plenty of idiots relish in being able to express warped views or hatred with no real repercussions. That being said, it's not all bad. The contents of each individual subreddit (and thus, reddit as a whole) is...
  8. Television

    TIFU - My regrets as a 46-year-old, and advice to others at a crossroad

    People write about strange things they've seen and then other people read what has been written.