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  1. Terry_w

    Credit Enquiries

    One of my clients was recently rejected by Westpac because of the credit score - otherwise good credit history and the score wasn't bad either. The credit people could not tell us what was wrong, but they kept saying they were relying solely on the credit score as supplied by Veda. But since...
  2. Terry_w

    Credit Enquiries

    Get a credit card:confused: = This took me up about 50 points. But not sure what it would affect you. Why don't we all monitor our reports and report back in on changes to our scores and what possibly caused this change.
  3. Terry_w

    Credit Enquiries

    Its not a credit enquiry. I imagine it appears as a self enquiry - it is run by the Veda people I think.
  4. Terry_w

    Credit Enquiries

    Try This allows you to see your credit file live and it will email you monthly reminders to check your score. Mine has changed again - down slightly now as some old enquiries dropped off.
  5. Terry_w

    Credit Enquiries

    A few weeks ago I checked my credit score, then applied for a credit card and then checked it again and my score had gone up. i.e. improved. Doesn't really make sense that getting a credit card can give a person a better score.
  6. Terry_w

    Credit Enquiries

    These days no one knows. Credit reporting has recently changed and it is a great mystery how it all works now.