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  1. Terry_w

    Offset Accounts vs Savings Accounts vs....

    From my notes I have the following which supports offset accounts don't affect deductibility Private Ruling Authorisation Number 85315 Money taken from an offset account on IP and used for private purposes does not affect deductibility of interest on the IP TR 93/6...
  2. Terry_w

    Offset Accounts vs Savings Accounts vs....

    Don't rely on a phone call with the ato - what if the person was wrong? An offset account is a savings account and should have no bearing on deductiblity of interest on a separate loan account. Were you using funds drawn down under a loan and parked in the offset?
  3. Terry_w

    Offset Accounts vs Savings Accounts vs....

    The old testy? Testamentary Discretionary Trust. Not really. Because a testamentary trust is part of the will and the will can still be challenged by a variety of people. But the testy will help beneficiaries with asset protection and great tax savings. If a beneficiary child for example...
  4. Terry_w

    Offset Accounts vs Savings Accounts vs....

    You cannot be 100% sure that the money would go to her. Even if you made a valid will. Are you planning on marrying or having a relationship at some stage? How do you organise your assets so they cannot be touched? Even a top barrister failed in this regard. No one plans on going bankrupt...
  5. Terry_w

    Offset Accounts vs Savings Accounts vs....

    By buying in your name instead of your mum's you are wasting one CGT free asset. If you had one house each you could get 2 CGT free assets - this is valuable. You would also be tying up someone else's money and complicating things. What if you: died divorced became bankrupt
  6. Terry_w

    Offset Accounts vs Savings Accounts vs....

    I would be inclined to get mum to buy a property for cash to live in. Then get her to purchase a second one with a the rest of her money. If she is comfortable with it. For the second property she would get a loan with an offset and park spare cash in that. Make sure your mum, and...
  7. Terry_w

    Offset Accounts vs Savings Accounts vs....

    Does your mum's income effect her pension in any way?