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  1. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans?

    A busines is a separate entity - a company which would be paying you a wage. This is different to the situation of not paying interest on an investment loan so that you can pay down personal expenses faster.
  2. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans?

    Very closely related. Harts is one case law precedent for the definition of a 'scheme'.
  3. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans?

    Strange but I have heard similar too. One person added a new kitchen, when I asked why she said her accountant recommended it as she was making a profit.
  4. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans?

    Aaron, those pens you bought at the end of the financial year to bring forward $5 in deductions could have been done with the dominant purpose of tax savings:)
  5. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans?

    I think even negative gearing could be a scheme with a dominant purpose of making tax deductions.
  6. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans? and,
  7. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans?

    Nope. The ATO is targeting an arrangement whereby someon borrows from a LOC to pay the interest on the investment property which then frees up cash from rents etc which can be paid into the offset/home loan to pay it off sooner.
  8. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans?

    Sorry about the ?
  9. Terry_w

    ATO to reject capitalisation of interest on investment property loans?

    See the other threads on TD 2012/1. Your heading to the threat is misleading, the ATO hasn't rejected capitalisation. It is still possible, but if it is done as a scheme with a dominant purpose of paying off the home loan sooner then they can deny the extra deductions.