Search results

  1. The Y-man

    Preston v Essendon v Box Hill/Blackburn

    Ah! Should sell you our home :D It was built by an Italian man, but I think his wife was into geomancy. After we bought it we found many things that seemed to match a lot of the Feng Shui principles. For example, my house is: - on the high side of the road, on a slope with the high side...
  2. The Y-man

    Preston v Essendon v Box Hill/Blackburn

    It is not a matter of whether "we" like it or not - I want to know why the hub has the east in mind in particular, as it will help me understand the motives eg is it because he likes the shopping in BH, or relos live there, or because he read it on the newspaper, or because people he knows says...
  3. The Y-man

    Preston v Essendon v Box Hill/Blackburn

    Have you asked him why? The Y-man
  4. The Y-man

    Preston v Essendon v Box Hill/Blackburn

    They're all fine. Really up to you as this sounds more a lifestyle decision than an investment one. If someone said "Preston is the best" but you don't like living there, what's the point" Not worth it in my opinion. The Y-man