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    Rudd vAbbott

    No, the Motoring Enthusiasts Party guy is insisting on no silencers :)
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    Rudd vAbbott

    On my 30th birthday a very good friend gave me a plaque bearing the quote below. I've spent the last 30 wondering whether she was trying to tell me something :) : "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know...
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    Rudd vAbbott

    Yes, but that's income deferred, not denied - they get you in the end. Contrary to popular belief undertakers don't make pots of money: the killer is the overheads, keeping buildings maintained and staff in place for when the phone rings - which might be not at all this week.
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    Rudd vAbbott

    First we'll get the "now we've looked at the books in detail, things are much worse than we expected so ...." Then they might be tempted to listen to PWC quoted in today's Age. PwC Australia head Luke Sayers: ''[We] should rely more heavily on consumption and land taxes, and less on...
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    Rudd vAbbott

    Sales and influence aren't the same think. I could read Andrew Bolt columns for a decade and I don't think my views would be changed. Conversely if someone puts forward views with which you are in sympathy you tend to ascribe a level of wisdom and insight to them which they may not deserve. For...
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    Rudd vAbbott

    If it's true (I was doubtful when I saw it on FB but given the Age has verified it, it presumably is) it reflects very badly on Rudd. The real mark of someone's character is how they treat 'little people', how they act when the camera is not on them. That said, if she were my employee she...
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    Rudd vAbbott

    I can see major problems with this. Scene, XYZ Hospital delivery room, 30 June 2015, 2200hrs: Midwife: Push. Husband: Don't push, only two hours to go! More seriously one can see a lot of people who are planning families doing their best to ensure that said babies are born after due date (and...