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    RBA's Unofficial Briefings: Interest Rates Headed Down Soon

    I figured we had several rises, the economy was not booming along, and we were approaching longer term average levels. Given the fallout of the GFC will take years to clear the system, I figured rates might hang a bit this cycle. That was my initial reasoning. Based on newer information...
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    RBA's Unofficial Briefings: Interest Rates Headed Down Soon

    I can't even remember what I wrote!
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    RBA's Unofficial Briefings: Interest Rates Headed Down Soon

    Until recently I had thought that we were at or near the top of the interest rates cycle. Now I really don't know.
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    RBA's Unofficial Briefings: Interest Rates Headed Down Soon

    Oversupply is a difficult one. There will always be places where there is more property than people who need it, and there will always be places where there are too many people for the available housing stock. When we hear statistics about "X empty homes in Australia" it doesn't really mean...