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  1. V

    17% of people don't have $500 saved

    I dn't do a detailed budget, I use the lazy approach. On pay day I put away money for the mortgage payments, and the regular savings, then don't get too worried about the rest. Admittedly the mortgage payments and planned savings is most of my pay. The wife pays the bills, and rent goes...
  2. V

    17% of people don't have $500 saved

    My sister is similar. Left her first husband (a nice guy and well paid professional) to set up with a guy who refuses to work. She busts her a**, but there's never enough money. My mother helps them out. They wouldn't dare ask me.
  3. V

    17% of people don't have $500 saved

    As a teenager I found my parents financial practices rather baffling (and I'm being generous here), which is what motivated me to become wealthy enough to not have to worry about money.