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  1. V

    Facebook mumbo jumbo

    I have no problems with it from a 'moral high ground' perspective, I'm simply stating that from the perspective of a professional IT security specialist, there are massive privacy and security problems. If you're happy to take that risk, then go for it. There's no way I would.
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    Facebook mumbo jumbo

    Sorry, but this is a very false sense of security. What about the site admins? The database admins? The guys changing the backup tapes in 3rd world data centres? The network admins who can see anything that gets transferred?
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    Facebook mumbo jumbo

    This is exactly the point. How many people have administrative access to FB infrastructure? You know, data centres, databases, server operating systems, data centre networks, WAN routers, web server software etc? These people are all over the world. We have no idea who they all are. FB...
  4. V

    Facebook mumbo jumbo

    You can't 'remove' your date of birth, just not make it easily viewable. Any system administrator, anywhere in the world, that administers FB infrastructure can access it - it won't actually be deleted. FB can also do what they like with it, including selling that information to other parties.
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    Facebook mumbo jumbo

    I think the amount of information people put up about themselves on facebook is crazy. Once the information is up, they own it, and can what they like with it. Regardless of the security settings you have no idea where your information is being sent or what it is being used for.