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  1. V

    First World probs

    When I park my car in the shade it's cooler but I get bird poo on it.
  2. V

    First World probs

    Bloody hell that's bad... :D
  3. V

    First World probs

    Regular air is almost 80% nitrogen anyway.
  4. V

    First World probs

    Unfortunately there is no way of knowing whether your information was actually removed, who else had access to it or where it is now. Don't forget, anything you put into FB becomes FB's property to do with as they see fit. The privacy principles we use in Australia don't practically apply here.
  5. V

    First World probs

    I use neither. I'm a professional IT security specialist and I believe FB represents a major breach of most peoples' privacy, and that at some point in the future most people will be very sorry they put all that information out for the world to see.
  6. V

    First World probs

    If you didn't need a caution wide load sign I wouldn't have had such trouble squeezing past.
  7. V

    First World probs

    Have you tried the dark chocolate with sea salt? Oh, man...
  8. V

    First World probs

    I eat the tails. They're crunchy and taste great.