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  1. V

    Housing affordability improves as rates, prices fall

    Yes that is more likely to be true, and for Aus to follow suit further on.
  2. V

    Housing affordability improves as rates, prices fall

    People will think them up and act upon them. If you dare to really know why that 2% are so successful, refer to this brilliant offer of information from Rixter: Keep in mind most people will laugh at you when you tell them or...
  3. V

    Housing affordability improves as rates, prices fall

    Created... thought up, acted upon. Bill gates was quoted as saying the Internet wont last, Face who? The Wright brothers were bicycle mechanics, Edison was considered mad when he thought up transmission of voices by electricity. Many of the ideas that will become actively realised to produce...
  4. V

    Housing affordability improves as rates, prices fall

    I'm probably getting off point here. IMSHO (In my silly humble opinion) I think this invisible wealth in property in AUS has to stall to let the economy catch up. Production in the economy will be absolutely phenomenal over the next 20 years with unbelievable growth, and new industries...