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  1. W

    So much for global warming

    Alan Kohler is often very lucid. THe short article below on global warming is worth the read. His point about Labor flailing around pretending to do something, having no adverse consequences is wrong. There are private enterprise coal fired power plants that are right now, not investing in...
  2. W

    So much for global warming

    The role of the sun and the moon's elliptical orbit on tides also confounds global warming theories. AFAIK, no one has a clear grasp on what is causing what at the moment.....
  3. W

    So much for global warming

    Another scientist to get a balanced opinion on GW is Bjorn Lomborg. He wrote a great book called The Sceptical Environmentalist about a decade ago. He concedes there is some proof there is global warming but he argues the effects will be on the whole extremely beneficial for humans. i.e...