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  1. W

    Haiti earthquake - that'll teach 'em thinks Tele-Evangelist.

    If only voodoo had focused the Haitian mindset on the benefits of free markets, education, and personal industriousness, they may have been able to afford earthquake resistant construction techniques, early warning sensors, a functional govt operated emergency response arm, 'free' health care...
  2. W

    Haiti earthquake - that'll teach 'em thinks Tele-Evangelist.

    glass houses thing BC. I understand why 80yo southern US fundamentalist preachers believe what they believe. It is a belief system shared by Aussies who think Indians and other first gen migrants bring trouble on themselves by being in 'unsafe' neighbourhoods carrying ipods. How dare migrants...
  3. W

    Haiti earthquake - that'll teach 'em thinks Tele-Evangelist.

    Not necessarily.....bad things also happen to teenaged Indians studying in Melbourne......many Aussies believing they bring it on themselves.