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  1. W


    ABS category 5609 table 12 has the total dollar value. summary interpretation at the end data in table 12 here RBA includes no. of loans and total dollars in charts such as the one below from APRA data. What direction is the medium to long term trend? You want to keep in mind that default...
  2. W


    Mr. Player, you are peeing on my shoe....aim a little higher :) ....... Keep a night between June20-Jul10 free, have your 21yo Swedish uni student child minder on call, and we'll reciprocate dins for 4, at the Calombaris Club. Maybe Mr and Mrs Value would like to join us, and anyone else...
  3. W


    imho defaults are a lagging indicator. And rather than take note of total defaults, express today's default rate as a % of say, 2002's. no. of owner occupier dwelling commitments is a coincident indicator. what happens with global credit is a leading indicator.
  4. W


    "it will all depend on how developed economies deleverage from the excess credit that built up over the last 10-15 years and global contagion of debt defaulters."
  5. W


    Thx IV and Kissfan. I know I come across as a bermabear to some, but I just believe in covering the downside and letting the up take care of itself. Further, via my parents I have been involved in property since 1971, when dad first built a block of flats. Us kids were up there helping Dad's...